Two Separations for the Price of One

Can you feel someone else’s heart breaking? Or is it your own heart being trampled on?

It’s hard to untwine two lives. Suddenly you’re surrounded by the mundane thoughts of “Who gets the coffee maker?” and “What about the photographs?” because you’re one of those people who still prints out your pictures because seeing those memories all around you used to bring you comfort.

Yes, it’s hard to untwine two lives.

But it’s even harder to separate two hearts.

And maybe you don’t. Maybe there’s not a clean break. At the end, you still have pieces of each other embedded inside your mind, your heart, your skin.

That’s where the pain comes in. Ripping out the tiny slivers that cover you inside and out.

You’d think that such tiny memories couldn’t leave such gaping holes. But sometimes people have to leave in a hurry. They grab the coffee maker but forget their memories behind.

Or maybe I just took them back as you were packing up the physical reminders.

Maybe it’s something to remember you by.

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