What Ifs

I tend to think of What-Ifs in terms of the negative. For example: What if I get hurt? What if this doesn’t work out? What if this all falls apart?

I feel like those are pretty standard What-Ifs for most people. Those are the ones that we give voice to. These are the ones that we present as logical reasons for not doing something.

But why is playing it “safe” still the “logical” response?

I’m not saying that I don’t do this because trust me, I do it all the time. My What-Ifs scream to each other, rolling around in my head because they can’t decide which of them should be the loudest, which of them would keep me the safest.

But my heart holds on to some of them. My heart keeps close the What-Ifs that would be crushed otherwise. These ones sound different, these ones are different. What if it does work out? What if this turns out to be great? What if I can trust them?

And I’m not sure which of those are scarier.

Is hope or fear stronger? Is hope or fear safer?

What if it’s up to you? What if that’s the kind of decision we’ve been dreading this whole time?

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